Our Vision

Deep Lake was formed in the belief that change is needed in the RegTech space. For too long the industry has accepted the glaring disconnect between the expertise of the business users and the technology available to support their compliance problems. 

Relevancy, Accuracy and Clarity 

Our focus is on offering expert consultancy and products to help fill this gap. We look at the problem holistically and focus firmly on the business problem and how the technology can be efficiently and effectively deployed to truly solve it. 

About Founder Alan Swindells

Alan’s career spans 25 years in the FinTech/RegTech space. He was one of the original architects of the Searchspace transaction monitoring solution and developed pioneering AI solutions for detection of insider trading and other market abuses in the securities sector.  

After a successful career in Professional Services leadership, Alan returned to his passion for problem solving, analytics and compliance by joining SWIFT where he led the consulting team for their sanctions testing product (STS). Overseeing the growth of the STS customer base from 5 to 100 and being integral to the evolution of the product and services has given Alan a deep understanding of the business problems and technological challenges in sanctions screening. 

Alan holds a BSc in Physics and an MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Computer Science.