
Our mission is simple: we believe that there is an opportunity for financial institutions to improve the return on investment on the  complex products currently deployed ubiquitously in the compliance space. In the past ten years supporting the world’s largest financial institutions in the optimisation of compliance products, one thing stands out – even the best tool can be sub-optimal if it isn’t supported by the best people with the best process.

The differences between the best and worst performing sanctions filter implementations can be anything from the data they are used with, the product settings or the use of advanced features. These issues all stem from the same underlying challenge: how to embed deep business expertise within these highly technical solutions.

We Can Help

Getting the right help isn’t easy. Filter vendors see their role very much as providing the right tools for their customers to solve the problem, whereas consultancies typically provide assessments enabling FIs to understand at a superficial level how they compare to their version of “Industry Standard”. These are both useful parts of the puzzle but you are still left with the difficult piece – what to do about it.

At Deep Lake we specifically target this missing piece. Our approach is to provide clear, actionable data and recommendations that can be used to undestand the sanctions screening environment, bringing better control, connecting it more to the business experts’ requirements and enabling rapid optimisation.

Our Services